Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter 5 Administering the Access PointWireless Device Access
Configuring the Access Point to Provide DHCP Service
When you configure the access point as a DHCP server, it assigns IP addresses to devices on its subnet.
The devices communicate with other devices on the subnet but not beyond it. If data needs to be passed
beyond the subnet, you must assign a default router. The IP address of the default router should be on
the same subnet as the access point configured as the DHCP server.
For detailed information on DHCP-related commands and options, refer to the Configuring DHCP
chapter in the
Cisco IOS IP Configuration Guide, Release 12.3
. Click this URL to browse to the
“Configuring DHCP” chapter:
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure an access point to provide DHCP
service and specify a default router:
Step 1
configure terminal
Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
ip dhcp excluded-address
Exclude the wireless device’s IP address from the range of addresses the
wireless device assigns. Enter the IP address in four groups of characters,
such as
the wireless device assumes that all IP addresses in a DHCP address pool
subnet are available for assigning to DHCP clients. You must specify the
IP addresses that the DHCP Server should not assign to clients.
(Optional) To enter a range of excluded addresses, enter the address at the
low end of the range followed by the address at the high end of the range.
Step 3
ip dhcp pool
Create a name for the pool of IP addresses that the wireless device assigns
in response to DHCP requests, and enter DHCP configuration mode.
Step 4
Assign the subnet number for the address pool. The wireless device
assigns IP addresses within this subnet.
(Optional) Assign a subnet mask for the address pool, or specify the
number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an
alternative way of assigning the network mask. The prefix length must be
preceded by a forward slash (/).
Step 5
] [
] |
Configure the duration of the lease for IP addresses assigned by the
wireless device.
days—configure the lease duration in number of days
(optional) hours—configure the lease duration in number of hours
(optional) minutes—configure the lease duration in number of
infinite—set the lease duration to infinite
Step 6
address2 ...
address 8
Specify the IP address of the default router for DHCP clients on the
subnet. One IP address is required; however, you can specify up to eight
addresses in one command line.
Step 7
Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8
show running-config
Verify your entries.
Step 9
copy running-config startup-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.