Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Appliance and Module Installation Guide for IPS 7.0
Chapter 11 Obtaining Software
IPS Software Versioning
Figure 11-1
illustrates what each part of the IPS software file represents for major and minor updates,
service packs, and patch releases.
Figure 11-1
IPS Software File Name for Major and Minor Updates, Service Packs, and Patch
Signature Updates
A signature update is a package file containing a set of rules designed to recognize malicious network
activities. Signature updates are released independently from other software updates. Each time a major
or minor update is released, you can install signature updates on the new version and the next oldest
version for a period of at least six months. Signature updates are dependent on a required signature
engine version. Because of this, a
designator lists the signature engine required to support a
particular signature update.
Figure 11-2
illustrates what each part of the IPS software file represents for signature updates.
Figure 11-2
IPS Software File Name for Signature/Virus Updates,
Product line/platform designator
Strong crypto designator
Major version level
Minor version level
Service pack level
Repackage level
Patch level
Signature engine level
File extension
IPS-K9-x.y-z[a or p1]-E1.pkg
Product line designator
Package type
Signature update
Software version requirement designator
Required engine version
File extension