Logging Page
Enter the IP address of the server where log messages should be sent. The log
messages are sent using syslog format over UDP port 514.
User modification to any encoder setting, as well as to any machine-wide configuration
setting, is always logged to the Windows system Event Log. If the Media Procesor is
also set up to forward event log messages to a syslog server, then these audit
messages will be sent to the syslog server as well.
These audit messages can be seen via the Windows Event Viewer applet at Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer. The event Source will be listed as
“EncodingService”, “InletE1”, or “InletCapture”. Opening each event will provide a
description of what has been changed. For changes made via the front panel, the user
will be listed as Front Panel User.
Network Adapter Configuration Page
Cisco Media Processor has two Ethernet ports: Main (LAN1) and Aux (LAN2). To use
the Ethernet port, an IP address, subnet mask and gateway must be configured for the
port. An optional DNS IP address may also be set manually for any port not using
DHCP. By default, the Media Procesor will use DHCP to obtain IP addresses, which
may also be set manually. The currently set IP addresses may be viewed on the main
Summary page.