dropdown box to the right to choose the rights for that community. To remove a
community, click the community name to highlight it, then click
SNMP Security
The Send authentication trap checkbox causes all SNMP authentication attempts
to result in an authentication trap being triggered.
You may choose to allow any host providing a valid community name to
communicate with the Cisco Media Processor SNMP agent , or you may choose to
restrict incoming SNMP packets to a predefined list of allowed hosts. The display
area for SNMP security lists all allowed hosts. To add a host, click the
and type the host name or IP address in the scripted window:
To remove a host, click the host name to highlight it, then click
SNMP Traps
The SNMP Traps section specifies the destinations of community-based traps.
These destinations may either be IP addresses or host names.
To begin, add a community to the dropdown list by clicking the
button next to it
and type the community name in the scripted window:
To add trap destinations for a particular community, first select that community from
the dropdown list, then click the
button next to the “Trap Destinations” list box
and type the destination in the scripted window: