Cisco IP Telephony Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(1)
© 2000 Cisco Systems, Inc.
The following hardware trace on the Cisco Catalyst 6000 8 Port Voice T1/E1 and Services
Module, indicates that the E1 port 4/1 in the card has registered as a Conference Bridge with
Cisco CallManager.
greece-sup (enable) sh port 4/1
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
----- ------------------ ---------- ---------- ------ ----- ------------
4/1 enabled 1 full - Conf Bridge
Port DHCP MAC-Address IP-Address Subnet-Mask
-------- ------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
4/1 disable 00-10-7b-00-0f-b0
Port Call-Manager(s) DHCP-Server TFTP-Server Gateway
-------- ----------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
4/1 - -
Port DNS-Server(s) Domain
-------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------
4/1 -
Port CallManagerState DSP-Type
-------- ---------------- --------
4/1 registered C549
Port NoiseRegen NonLinearProcessing
----- ---------- -------------------
4/1 disabled disabled
Second, check the maximum number of users configured in the conference (Ad Hoc or
Meet-Me) to determine if the problem occurred because this number was exceeded.
Transcoding Problems
If you have installed a hardware transcoder in the Cisco Catalyst 6000 8 Port Voice T1/E1 and
Services Module, and it doesn’t work as expected (meaning you cannot make calls between two
users with no common codec), check to see if you have any available Transcoder resources
registered with Cisco CallManager (must be hardware). Use Microsoft Performance to check the
number of “MediaTermPointsAvailable” available.
One E1 port (WS-X6608-E1 card contains 8x E1 ports) provides Transcoder/MTP resources for
16 calls, as shown in the following trace.
11:51:09.939 Cisco CallManager|MediaTerminationPointControl - Capabilities Received - Device=
MTP00107B000FB1 - Registered - Supports 16 calls