Cisco IP Telephony Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(1)
© 2000 Cisco Systems, Inc.
In the following message, the digit analysis process is ready to identify incoming digits and
check them for potential routing matches in the database. The entry, cn=1001, represents the
calling party number. dd="" represents the dialed digit, which would show the called part
number. Note that StationInit messages are sent by the phone, StationD messages are sent by
Cisco CallManager, and digit analysis is performed by Cisco CallManager.
16:05:41.625 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="")
16:05:41.625 CCM|Digit analysis: potentialMatches=PotentialMatchesExist
The following debug message shows that the Cisco CallManager is providing inside dial tone to
the calling party Cisco IP Phone.
16:05:41.625 CCM|StationD - stationOutputStartTone: 33=InsideDialTone tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30
Once Cisco CallManager detects an incoming message and recognizes the keypad button 1 has
been pressed on the Cisco IP Phone, it immediately stops the output tone.
16:05:42.890 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 1
16:05:42.890 CCM|StationD - stationOutputStopTone tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30
16:05:42.890 CCM|StationD - stationOutputSelectSoftKeys tcpHandle=0x4fbbc30
16:05:42.890 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="1")
16:05:42.890 CCM|Digit analysis: potentialMatches=PotentialMatchesExist
16:05:43.203 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 0
16:05:43.203 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="10")
16:05:43.203 CCM|Digit analysis: potentialMatches=PotentialMatchesExist
16:05:43.406 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 0
16:05:43.406 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="100")
16:05:43.406 CCM|Digit analysis: potentialMatches=PotentialMatchesExist
16:05:43.562 CCM|StationInit - InboundStim - KeypadButtonMessageID kpButton: 0
16:05:43.562 CCM|Digit analysis: match(fqcn="", cn="1001", pss="", dd="1000")
Once the Cisco CallManager has received enough digits to match, it provides the digit analysis
results in a table format. Any extra digits pressed on the phone after this point will be ignored by
Cisco CallManager, since a match has already been found.
16:05:43.562 CCM|Digit analysis: analysis results
16:05:43.562 CCM||PretransformCallingPartyNumber=1001