216 Series Twin-Screw Pump -
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Prepare the foundation for mounting
Chip the top of the foundation to achieve a minimum of 25mm (1in) gap with the bottom of
the baseplate, in order to remove any porous, cracked or low-strength concrete. If you use a
pneumatic chisel or other air powered tool, make sure that it does not contaminate the
surface with oil or moisture.
Do not chip the foundation using heavy power tools such as jackhammers. This can damage
the structural integrity of the foundation.
Remove any water or accumulated debris from the foundation bolt holes or sleeves using
an industrial vacuum.
If the baseplate uses sleeve-type bolts (recommended), it is important in order to seal the
void and to prevent grout or water from entering. Fill the gap between the sleeve and the
bolt with a flexible material such as RTV silicone or a rubber plug designed for the purpose.
Coat the exposed portion of the anchor bolts with paste wax in order to prevent the grout
from adhering to the anchor bolts. Do not use oils or liquid wax.
If recommended by the grout manufacturer instructions, coat the foundation surface with a
compatible primer.
Install the baseplate
Figure 4: Install the baseplate