When using this product, please be absolutely careful about the warning that a maker of a
PC and peripheral equipment of use orders, attention indication.
Prohibited from
Prohibited from disassembling or repaired this product by oneself and disintegrate, and
please do not remodel it.
If caused a fire and an electric shock, a burn, trouble. Please! Ask your distributor for
repair. If disintegrate and remodeled it, there are charged repair and situation even if it is in
a guarantee period.
Pull the plug
If smoke appears strange smells or strange sounds, please pull the plug out of the outlet
This may cause fire or electric shock.
Notice of fire
Please! Follow up on this user guide to setup your device.
* Do not pull, or bend on the USB cable or power cord. It may cause a fire and/or fault of
the device.
* Make sure the power cable is connected correctly otherwise it may cause a fire and/or
fault of the device.
* Please never connect the LAN cable to the device. When connected, a LAN cable can
cause a fire.
Strictly observance
Please completely insert the power supply plug into an outlet.
When assembling or disassembling this product, please read the method in this manual
before you start. Doing otherwise may cause a fire, an electric shock or device fault by
your mistake.
Strictly prohibit
Paint with water
do not use the device in the bathroom. It may cause a fire or electric shock.
After transportation, wait till the device setting to the room temperature before using it. The
large difference in temperature or humidity may cause a tough condensation and cause an
electrical short circuit.