To set the RAID mode with RAID Manager software, click the RAID Manager icon
run the program, then follow the instructions on the RAID Manager dialog box to set the
RAID mode by PC
1. “The number of HDD shown on a PC” is combination number when implemented 4X HDDs to
this device.
2. When you use a combine mode, it is required to initialize the virtual disk volume. Please be
sure that you have backup all your old data as this action will erase the data in the HDDs.
3. It is impossible to read The internal data of the HDD cannot be read during the process of the
combine mode change to normal mode or change the installation position of HDD.
4. Before you change the setting, make sure that you have a backup of the data on the HDD
which is working at any mode change. It is necessary to initialize the new disk volume
(partition setting and Format). Please backup the data on the HDD before you change mode.