Chore-Tronics Feeder Control
Operation and Description of Function Settings
Setup - continued
15. Access Code (security) - an access code is available for added security if
needed. The access code is a four (4) digit number. This number is entered by
using the numbers of the Subject buttons.
For example:
If the access code were “1234”, you would press the Current Conditions button,
Set Temperature-Timer button, Outputs Temperatures button, and the Feed
Clock button when asked for the access code.
From the factory, the Access Code is “1111”. This is a special number which
causes the control to not ask you for the access code when you first press the Edit
If you decide to define your own access code, it is done in this area of the setup
screen. Answer “yes” to the question, “change access code?”, and respond to the
screen’s question.
If you later decide you don’t want to use an access code, you simply change the
access code back to “1111”. If you forget your access code, call Chore-Time. It
is certainly recommended that you write down your access code in a safe place.