Introduction to Control
Chore-Tronics Feeder Control
To provide for security in setting your controls, there is an optional security feature
that will appear only when you initiate the Edit process. When you press the EDIT
button, the control will automatically ask for an access code. This is a four digit
number that you have selected while setting up the control and is explained under the
“Setup” section. Once you have inserted the correct code, the control will allow you
to make all the edits you need. However, if five minutes have passed since your last
edit, and you would like to make further edits, you will have to reinsert your access
code. As long as you are working with the settings and the five minutes have not
elapsed, you can make as many edits as you need without reinserting the code.
An example of using the
Edit Buttons
and the
Navigation Buttons
discussed later in this section.
See “
How to Maneuver in the Viewing Screen”
Subject Buttons
On the front of the Controller are 14 subject keys each with an indicator light.
As each subject button is pressed, the subject that is described beside the button will
appear on the screen and the light on the other side of the button will be lit. After
viewing that subject for five minutes, and if no other buttons are pressed, the control
will automatically return to Status.
An explanation of each subject is described in the following section entitled
Indication Lights and Auto/Manual Switches
Each relay output has its own three position switch that allows the user to manually
control the relay. Each switch is labeled showing what function it controls and can
be placed in three positions — “ON”, “HOLD”, or “AUTO”. The “AUTO” position
is for normal operation and allows the control to perform all the functions. Changing
the switches to “ON” or “HOLD” will either enable or disable (an enabled relay
allows current to flow to the equipment wired to it) that particular relay. When a
switch is in a position other than “AUTO”, a message will appear in the Status screen
advising to “check switches”. The software provided for off-sight monitoring will
also inform the user of the switch positions. This does not apply to unused relays.
The light above the switch indicates that the relay is activated. This light will stay off
if the switch is in the “HOLD” position.
Manual Start/Hold switches
These spring loaded switches allow you to start the operation assigned to them prior
to the times set in above screens. They can only be used in the proper sequence.
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