Operation and Description of Function Settings
Chore-Tronics Feeder Control
Setup - continued
All setups are performed in the
Edit Mode
with the use of the
Navigation Buttons
to move you around to editable positions and the
(+) and (–) buttons to make changes and to answer questions.
1. Control # - this is where you identify the control being setup. This is important
when a PC is part of your system.
2. Units of Measurement - metric or non-metric
3. Clock Type - if you want to have time of day represented in a 12 hour clock (a.m.
and p.m.), or a 24 hour clock format.
4. Time of Day - enter the current time.
5. Date - enter the current day (DDMMMYY).
6. Configuration - this is where you indicate the type of Fill, Feeder and Weigh
configuration your house has. Choose from the examples given on the following
pages, and insert the appropriate number.
7. Use Secondary Schedule - when you choose your feeding program in BUTTON
13 (everyday, E.O.D., etc.) the Light Clock screen BUTTON 5 and Water Clock
screen BUTTON 12 schedules will follow the same sequence. If you want to vary
this—for example water everyday and feed every other day, then answer yes.
Steps 8 and 9 calibrate your weigh bin.
8. Zero Setting - when the bin or bins being used for weighing are completely
empty then you answer “YES” to establish the zero setting calibration.
9. Standard Weights - to further calibrate the weigh bin, take a known amount
such or 1% or 2% of the bins capacity and suspend it evenly from the bin. Then
enter this amount in that space provided and answer “YES”
10. Actual Weight - this indicates the actual weight prior to and after calibration.
This value is not editable.
11. This area is for diagnostic use and is non-editable.
12. Gallons Per Pulse - If you are keeping track of water usage, and you have a
device on your water meter that has a pulsed output, enter here what the
instructions from the water meter say that each pulse represents. (example
gallons or litres)
13. Bird Age Unit - in your Data Screen BUTTON 7, do you want the bird’s age
displayed in days or weeks.
14. Data For Eggs - in your Data Screen BUTTON 7, are you interested in
maintaining data on egg’s. Obviously if this control is used in a Pullet House, the
answer is “NO”.