UN41 0604GN
English language
Use and maintenance
- Preliminary operations
Before starting the planting, the following operations
must be carried out.
1) Check that the plant spacing is correct (see “Adjust-
ing the plant spacing” - page 20).
2) Check that the row spacing is correct (see “Adjust-
ing the row spacing” - page 19).
3) Turn the levers (
) in the same direction to set the
planting units parallel to the ground.
4) Use, alternatively, the handwheel (
) and the nut (
) to
adjust the load of the packing wheels (see “Adjusting
the planting unit load” - page 21).
5) Use the nut (
) to apply the load of the driving
wheel to the ground (see “Adjusting the driving
wheel load” - page 19).
6) Load the seedlings into the holders.
- Planting operations
1) To prevent overloads on the ploughshare, the trac-
tor driver must lower the work vehicle with the trac-
tor moving forwards at low speed.
Do not reverse the tractor with the work vehicle on
the ground as this could damage the ploughshare.
2) Stop the tractor and let the operators get on the
work vehicle.
3) In the planting stage, the operators on the work ve-
hicle must adopt a correct posture (with their feet
resting on the footboard (
) and must agree - to-
gether with the tractor driver - on the most effective
speed of travel.
4) Place the seedling on the grippers with the root/
root ball facing outwards (see figure).
5) Move forwards with the tractor before starting the
6) Check the proper planting depth (see “Planting
depth adjustment” - page 18).
7) Consider whether the gripper closure needs to be
adjusted (see “Adjustment of gripper closing angle”
page 18).
8) The operators on the work vehicle must check the
Planting procedure
The seedlings must be planted in soil which has been
finely tilled with a harrow or hoeing machine and lightly
compacted on the surface.
We recommend dampening the root ball well (without
causing dripping) to help the seedling take root.
Do not work on extremely spongy spoil, or extremely
compact soil, nor on very wet ground, as these condi-
tions would all affect planting quality negatively.
During planting, the work vehicle’s driving wheels must
grip the ground at all times and the tractor lift must be
fully lowered.