Soft Keys
The SOFT KEYS buttons (6) are located just below the display.
The 5 SOFT KEYS buttons have not a fixed function (as the PLAY and STOP
buttons), but it changes according to the enabled operative mode.
Of course it is not necessary to remember each time which function has
been assigned to a SOFT KEY; in fact in the last line of the display, near each SOFT
KEY button, a square indicating the name of the function assigned in that particular
mode is visualized.
In this way the 5 SOFT KEYS buttons allow you to access the functions
concerning the operative mode enabled in that moment.
The advantage of the SOFT KEYS is that they reduce the number of buttons
necessary to have access to so many functions as those offered by Megabeat One ,
without muddling the user among a great deal of functions, but visualizing on the
display only those necessary to the operative mode enabled in that moment.
The functions offered by the SINGLE PLAY mode allows you:
to choose a single song to be played by means of the PLAY button;
to visualize texts and chords (when stored inside the song);
to adjust volumes, effects, transposition, and tempo of a song;
to create a song selection or play-list (this selection is immediately inserted
into the USER group, called USER GRP - see later.
If the present mode is SINGLE PLAY and no song is playing, Megabeat One is
in Stand-by position (the red led over the STOP button is on and the green led over
the PLAY button is off); the following Soft KEYS are enabled on the bottom line of
the display:
4. O