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Using your Percolator 

1. Before using for the first time, thoroughly wash all parts of the percolator. Please see Cleaning and Maintenance Instruction section.

2. Remove cover, basket, lid and pump tube with spring. Using the measurement markings (located inside 

the body) fill the percolator with the desired amount of water. Please note 12 is the maximum fill line. 

For best result be sure to use cold water when filling the percolator. When preparing 4-Cups, use the two 

spot weld marking just below – 6 – as the 4-cup level mark.

3. To help keep small coffee grinds from sifting through the holes in the basket, run cold water over the 

coffee basket. Place basket on top of pump tube. Add desired amount of coffe according to level markings 

on basket. Be certain to usa a grind designed for percolator coffee, or use a coarse grind. Finer grinds 

may sift through the holes in the basket.

The following chart serves asa  guide for preparing various brew strenghts. Amounts can be varied to suit 

personal taste and particular coffees.






          Brew Strength 

Number of cups of coffee  














































*1 coffee measuer = 2 level tablespoons.

4. Place basket and pump tube assembly into percolator so bottom of tube fits well. Place basket cover on top of basket and push cover onto top of 


CAUTION: When placing the lid onto the percolator, be sure that the steam outlets are always pointing away from the handle to avoid heat.

5 Please percolator on power base and plug base into a standard household wall outlet. The green power indicator light will illuminate. Brewing be-

gins within seconds, and continues at a rate of approximately one cup per minute.

6. Once brewing cycle is complete, the red led indicator will light and signal that your coffe is ready. WARNING: Be certain the percolator process has 

stopped completely before removing the cover.

7.  Once brewing has been completed, remove the cover carefully using a mitt or potholder, remove the basket and pump tube. Replace cover so it 

snaps into place.

CAUTION: Do not touch the stainless steel parts of the percolator as they will be hot.


Cleaning and Maintenance

Always remove the percolator from the power base then remove the plug from the electrical outlet before attempting to clean the percolator. Remove 

the percolator body from the power base. Make sure that the unit is sitting evenly on a flat surface. Grasp cover by percolator knob and gently pull the 

cover straight up. Store with cover off.

Gently pull the basket, baset cover and the pump tube straight up out of the body. Take the lid off the basket and discard used coffe grinds. The per-

colator cover, basket, lid and pump tube can all be placed in the upper rack of a dishwasher or washed in warm soapy water and rinsed thoroughly. 

Never wash the percolator body or power base in dishwasher.

Do not immerse the detachable power base or percolator body in water or other liquid. To clean, simply wipe with a clean, damp cloth and dry before 


Do not use scouring agents or harsh cleaners on any part of the percolator. Note: Washer at bottom of pump tube must move freely. Should coffe 

grounds become trapped near the washer, loosen with a tooth pick and run under tap water to clean.

Storage: The power-supply cord is attached to the power base. For a clutter free counter, unwrap only as much of the cord as needed to safely reach 

the outlet. Remaining cord can stay wrapped underneath.


Decalcification refers to removing the calcium deposits which form on the metal parts parts of the percolator over time.

For the best performance from your percolator, decalcify the unit from time to time. The frequency depends on the hardness of your water and how 

often you use the percolator. Decalcification will clean the interior of the unit.

Champion ®

Makadamgatan 14  I  254 64 Helsingborg  I  Sweden

[email protected]

Designed in Sweden   I  Assembled in China

Summary of Contents for CHPK120

Page 1: ...CHPK120 USER MANUAL EN English SE Svenska DK Danske NO Norsk FI Suomi Read this Manual carefully before use ...

Page 2: ...uding children with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction covering the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety 18 If the jug is overfilled boiling water may be ejected 19 The percolator must only be used with the stand provided 20 Children should be supervised to ensure that t...

Page 3: ...emoving the cover 7 Once brewing has been completed remove the cover carefully using a mitt or potholder remove the basket and pump tube Replace cover so it snaps into place CAUTION Do not touch the stainless steel parts of the percolator as they will be hot EN Cleaning and Maintenance Always remove the percolator from the power base then remove the plug from the electrical outlet before attemptin...

Page 4: ...vsedd att användas av personer inklusive barn med reducerade fysiska mentala eller sensoriska kapaciteter samt om de som saknar erfarenhet och kunskap om inte en person ansvarig person med kunskap om produkten kan ansvara för en säker användning 17 Om perkolatorn överfylls finns risk för att kokande vatten stöts ut genom mynningen 18 Perkolatorn får enbart användas tillsammans med medföljande bas ...

Page 5: ...r av locket 7 När bryggningen är klar avlägsna locket försiktigt med hjälp av något värmetåligt material så som en grytvante eller liknande Ta sedan bort kaffe behållaren och pumpen för att sedan fästa locket på perkolatorn igen OBSERVERA Vidrör inte de rostfria delarna av perkolatorn då de blir mycket varma Rengöring och underhåll Avlägsna alltid perkolatorn från basen och dra ut kontakten från v...

Page 6: 15 Sørg for at låget sidder sikkert på sin plads før servering 16 Dette produkt er ikke beregnet til at blive anvendt af personer herunder børn med en nedsat fysisk mental eller sensorisk evne Dette gælder ligeledes hvis det enkelte individ ikke har den fornødne viden om produktet hvorfor vedkommende ikke kan håndtere det på korrekt vis 17 Hvis perkolatoren overfyldes er der risiko for at det k...

Page 7: ...ndt inden du løfter låget 7 Når brygningen er afsluttet fjernes låget forsigtigt ved hjælp af et varmebestandigt materiale såsom en ovn grillhandske Fjern dernæst kaffebe holderen og pumpen og fastgør atter låget på perkolatoren BEMÆRK Rør ikke ved de rustfrie dele af perkulatoren da disse bliver meget varme Rengøring og vedligeholdelse Fjern altid perkolatoren fra basen og træk stikket ud af stik...

Page 8: ...kert på plass før servering 16 Dette produktet er ikke beregnet på å brukes av personer inklusive barn med reduserte fysiske mentale eller sensoriske evner samt personer som mangler erfaring og kunnskap så fremt ikke en ansvarlig person med kunnskap om produktet kan stå til ansvar for en sikker bruk 17 Dersom perkolatoren overfylles kan risikoen for at kokende vann støtes ut gjennom munningen opps...

Page 9: ...løfter av lokket 7 Når tillagingen er klar fjern lokket forsiktig med hjelp av et varmebestandig materiale som som en gryteklut eller lignende Fjern deretter kaffebeholderen og pumpen for så å feste lokket på perkolatoren igjen MERK Ta ikke på de rustfrie delene av perkolatoren ettersom disse blir svært varme Rengjøring og vedlikehold Fjern alltid perkolatoren fra basen og dra ut støpselet fra sti...

Page 10: ...ilua 16 Tätä laitetta ei tule käyttää henkilöiden lapset mukaan luettuina joilla on vajaa fyysinen henkinen tai aisteihin perustuva kapasiteetti ei myöskään henkilöiden joilta puuttuu kokemusta ja tietoja laitteen käytöstä jos käyttö ei tapahdu kyseessä olevien henkilöiden turvallisuudesta vastaavien henkilöiden valvonnassa 17 Jos perkolaattorissa on liikaa vettä on olemassa vaara että kiehuvaa ve...

Page 11: ...n avulla Irrota sitten kahvisäiliö ja pumppu ja kiin nitä sen jälkeen kansi jälleen perkolaattoriin HUOMAA Älä koske perkolaattorin ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettuihin osiin sillä ne tulevat erittäin kuumiksi Puhdistus ja huolto Poista aina perkolaattori jalustasta ja irrota johto pistorasiasta ennen kuin aloitat puhdistamisen Varmista että laite on vakaasti tasaisella alustalla Ota kiinni...

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