1. Remove any existing safety edge.
2. Insert rubber plug without hole into 1/2" tubing, farthest from
3. Cut 1/2" tubing to correct door length.
4. Insert rubber end plug with hole into 1/2" tubing, nearest
5. Slide 1/2" tubing into door astragal.
6. Press 1/8" clear tubing onto barbed connector.
7. Insert other end of barbed connector into hole of end plug from
step 4.
8. Cut 1/8" clear tubing to length and connect to barbed connector
inside the transmitter.
S A F E T Y E D G E M O U N T I N G ( P N E U M A T I C )
1/8" Clear Tubing
1/2" Rubber Tubing
Hole Plug
(No hole)
Hole Plug