Pilot outage.
Low gas pressure..................... Adjust gas pressure.
Restricted pilot......................... Clean pilot.
Weak pilot generator.................. Replace pilot.
Faulty Detection Electrode
or PCB
Yellow lazy flame
Low gas pressure...................... Adjust gas pressure.
*Insects or debris clogging
burner intake ports.....................Clean burners.
Inner & Outer panels very hot
*Gaps in corner of refractory
(paint blistered - thermal fuse
Broken refractory caused by
in transformer failed)
shipping damage or improper
combustion............................... Replace or re-align refractory to seal
gaps. Replace transformer.
Excessive sooting of heat
exchanger................................ Determine cause of sooting & correct.
Takes long time to heat
Calculate temperature in °/hr......Heat rise (°/hr.)= Heater Output
pool or spa.
Pool gallonage x 8.33
or refer to heater sizing chart.
This does not take into account heat
loss due to weather.
Filter not running long enough.....Reset time clock.
Dirty filter.................................
Clean filter.
Gas line or meter undersized......Refer to installation instructions.
Bypassing too much water..........Inspect bypass for movement, if no
movement, replace.
U.G. not functioning................. Replace if no movement when heated.
Leaking at well.
Replace well and maintain water
chemistry properly.
Leaking at heat exchanger.
Replace heat exchanger and maintain
chemistry properly.
Gasket brittle and leaking -
Heater running after pump
shuts off...................................
See pressure switch adjustment.
Refractory damage.................... Replace refractory.
Sooted heater........................... Determine cause of sooting and correct.
(* Usually occurs on initial start-up.)