Predator Gasser NX
Page 56
Using Epoxy, bond one wooden block from the inside of the canopy,
centered over each hole for the windshield screws. Each block should be
flush or slightly below the edge of the canopy. Let the Epoxy completely
cure. Using the 2.3mm [0.090”] drill bit, redrill the holes through the
wooden blocks. Using an available M3x6 self tapping screw, form the
threads in all the wooden block.
Mount the windshield to the canopy using the M3x6 self tapping screws
being careful not to overtighten the screws. The wooden blocks will hold
the screws quite well. After the canopy is finished, the wooden blocks
can then be painted white to match the canopy.
Windshield Wooden Blocks
#HW6125A Wooden
Blocks x 10
Blocks mounted flush to the
canopy edge.
When attaching the canopy to the helicopter, install the two
M3x10 Phillips washer head screws to the upper canopy stand-
offs. This will keep the canopy in position during fast backwards
Upper Canopy Mount Screws
#HW3129A Canopy Thumb
Screws x 2