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Subtract this number from the known diameter of the gauge bore. The resulting number will be the calibrated diameter of
the probe stylus tip with the pre travel taken into consideration.
For example with a 1” ring gauge (ours measures .99996”) and a 2.5 mm (.0984252”) probe tip. and with the measured
diameter in step 3 is displayed as: .9199”
.99996 -.9199” = .08006” The calibrated probe tip diameter with probe pretravel compensated for is .08006” for this sty-
4.) Test the new Probe Diameter. Go back to the tool library and enter .08006” for the Diameter of Tool 10 (the probe tool
number) and run the Bore Probing cycle again! CNC12 will round the diameter number to .0801”
A message box will appear on the screen that will display the measured diameter of the bore.