Differential Removal
Step 1: Roll the Transmission Jack underneath the differential of your vehicle.
Step 2: Make sure the RELEASE VALVE (#31) is turned fully clockwise to close the BODY
Step 3: Raise the SADDLE A (#38) up under the differential by stepping on the PEDAL PUMP
PISTON (#11) as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5--Raising the Saddle
Step 4: When the SADDLE A makes contact with the differential, make sure the differential is
properly and safely positioned and centered within the cradle arms of the SADDLE A. If in
doubt, reposition the SADDLE A.
Step 5: Lift the SADDLE A an additional inch after contact is made between the differential and
the SADDLE A. This will remove the load of the differential from the vehicle’s chassis.
The weight of the differential is now supported by the Transmission Jack.
Step 6: Remove the differential attachment points as appropriate to your vehicle. Refer to your
vehicle’s Service Manual.
It is recommended that you have an assistant present to help steady the differential assembly as
you remove the attaching hardware. Use caution when loosening the differential from the chassis.
Make sure the differential does not move while it is being supported by the Transmission Jack.
Step 7: When you are ready to lower your differential, make sure there is nothing restricting the
free downward movement of your differential.
Step 8: To lower the differential, turn the RELEASE VALVE counterclockwise
as shown in
Figure 6. Do not lower the differential in one quick drop as you may upset the balance of
the differential within the SADDLE A.
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