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4000 4 319 _EN - 02/09




This unit uses the latest signal synthesis technology.
Combining  Direct Digital Synthesis  (DDS) with high-quality components, the GF  266 generator is capable of generating
all major waveforms (sine, square, triangle, positive ramp, and negative ramp) over a wide range of frequencies and
with very high accuracy and excellent stability.
This process allows frequency to be changed almost instantaneously, with no loss of phase continuity, which is most
advantageous in some modulation schemes, such as Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) or frequency sweep (linear or
logarithmic sweep).
In addition, this phase continuity offers defect-free Phase Shift Keying (PSK).

Unlike in an analogue generator, frequency sweep is not limited to a particular range and may extend from 0.186 Hz
to the maximum frequency.

Before going into details about the principle of operation, we will introduce beginners in electronics to the basics of
analogue and digital signals.
Specialists can directly go to "Detailed theory of DDS".


An analogue signal is continuously variable. In theory, between any two points of its amplitude-time characteristic
curve, it has an infinity of possible values. In practice, the signal is always spoilt by noise, which reduces the number
of usable levels.

The noise level must be as low as possible with reference to the useful signal. This is called the signal-to-noise ratio
( SNR ). A high SNR gives a signal of good quality. A useful signal with an amplitude close to the noise level is not
usable; it is said that the signal is "buried in noise".
Drawbacks of analogue signal synthesis:
To generate a periodic signal, a special circuit – an "oscillator" – is required.
There are multiple forms of analogue oscillators, each with their qualities and shortcomings.
To generate the main waveforms, there is no oscillator possessing all required qualities: low distortion, good frequency
and amplitude stability, and ability to quickly and substantially change frequency (for some modulation schemes).
The implementation of an oscillator is always a trade-off between various parameters.

Digitization principles:
Digitization (also referred to as analogue-to-digital conversion) consists of converting a continuously variable quantity
into a sequence of discrete codes representing the instantaneous value at conversion time.

Mathematically, digitizing a signal is sampling at regular intervals the real number representing its magnitude and
quantizing it to the nearest integer (Fig. 1).
These sequences of numbers are then represented as binary values (0 or 1), which can be manipulated by the computer
and associated tools.
The immediate advantage of this process is that the digital signal is insensitive to noise and distortion, since two

electrical states - 0 or 1 (open or closed) - are sufficient to correctly transmit the information.
The elementary digital information (0 or 1) is called a bit.
The number of bits used for quantizing the signal determines the resolution, i.e. the number of possible amplitude
Coding over 8 bits = 2 to the power of  8 = 256 possibles values
Coding over 10 bits = 2 to the power of 10 = 1 024 possibles values
Coding over 16 bits = 2 to the power of 16 = 65 536 possibles values
Coding over 20 bits = 2 to the power of 20 = 1 048 576 possibles values
Coding over 24 bits = 2 to the power of 24 = 16 777 216 possibles values

fig. 1

Summary of Contents for GF 266


Page 2: ...2 4000 4 319 02 09 FRANCAIS 4 5 8 6 7 13 9 12 10 11 3 2 1 15 18 19 16 17 22 20 21 14 25 24 23 FACE ARRI RE REAR PANEL R CKSEITE FACE AVANT FRONT PANEL FRONTSEITE...

Page 3: votre choix elc c est aussi de nombreux appareils lectroniques ALIMENTATIONS FR QUENCEM TRE APPAREILS DE TABLEAU BOITES DECADES CENTRAD est une marque d pos e appartenant la soci t elc Constructeur...

Page 4: ...le on dit alors du signal qu il est noy dans le bruit Inconv nients de la synth se analogique du signal G n rer un signal p riodique n cessite un circuit particulier nomm oscillateur Il existe de mult...

Page 5: ...t aux valeurs quantifi es au fur et mesure de leur arriv e c est dire au rythme auxquels ils ont t pr lev s appel p riode d chantillonnage ce signal encore une forme en marches d escalier Laseconde ta...

Page 6: ...1ouquelquescycles d horloge fMCLK avec une continuit de phase chose impossible sur les syst mes base de PLL qui ont besoin d un temps d accrochage Contrairement aux syst mes analogiques ce proc d offr...

Page 7: de 2 MHz La manifestation du ph nom ne est diff rente selon l oscilloscope utilis ou sa configuration Par exemple oscilloscope analogique ou num rique configur avec persistance de 5 secondes Graph...

Page 8: ...Hz Fmax F stop mini F Start 100 Hz pas minimal de 10 Hz Top de Synchro D part Rampe sur embase BNC IN OUT VCF Sortie 50 supporte les courts circuits permanents et les r injections de tensions jusqu 60...

Page 9: ...rseur est plac 5 DESCRIPTION DES COMMANDES DE BASE CHOIX DE LA FONCTION FUNCTION A la mise en marche du g n rateur le curseur vient se placer sous la fonction En tournant la roue codeuse 17 vous pouve...

Page 10: ...trie est actif sur la sortie 50 uniquement lorsque le signal carr SQUARE est s lectionn Il intervient toujours sur la sortie TTL quel que soit le signal pr sent en sortie 50 L acc s cette fonction se...

Page 11: int fm D s que la s lection est effectu e le message DEV s affiche et le curseur se place sous la fr quence R gler la fr quence de d viation avec la roue codeuse 17 et les fl ches 16 et 18 puis val...

Page 12: le curseur se place sous xx Choisissez la m moire entre 2 et 15 avec la roue codeuse 17 puis valider par la touche Valid 15 La configuration derni re modification de tous les param tres sera enreg...

Page 13: ...gnal est alors disponible sur la BNC 50 22 et sous forme logique sur 21 Un temps de chauffe de 30 minutes est n c ssaire pour atteindre les sp cifications annonc es PRECAUTION R glerl amplitudedusigna...

Page 14: ...ement le Level par exemple 2 5Vcc L action permettant de saisir les donn es num riques du param tre modifier se fait par la touche espace Exemple Afin de passer le Level 3 8 Volt saisir 8 0 espace 3 8...

Page 15: saisie de 2 5 K pour la fr quence F Start ligne 7 est re ue par l appareil et affich e Acetinstant ilestencorepossibledemodifiercettesaisie ligne8 enpassant 2 3KHz Lasaisiede O K ligne 9 valide ce...

Page 16: ...eep lin ou log provoquent un balayage en fr quence Un oscilloscope connect en sortie de l tage tester visualise automatiquement la courbe de r ponse 7 4 SEUILS DE COMMUTATION Pourtesterendynamiquelesn...

Page 17: ...lirsesobligations elcadh re ECOSYSTEMetfinance la fili re de collecte et de recyclage agr e pour les d chets lectriques professionnels DEEE Pro Cet engagement volontaire de elc permet ses clients de b...

Page 18: ...18 4000 4 319 02 09 FRANCAIS...

Page 19: ...erforvoltagereduction ensurethatthecommonterminal is connected to the earthed pole of the supply Electrical overload Never apply a voltage in excess of the specified limits and category II III or IV s...

Page 20: ...the signal is buried in noise Drawbacks of analogue signal synthesis To generate a periodic signal a special circuit an oscillator is required There are multiple forms of analogue oscillators each wit...

Page 21: ...g rate this signal still consists of discrete steps staircase shape The second step consists of smoothing this signal using an appropriate low pass filter to restore a continuously variable signal Int...

Page 22: ...ously in 1 or a few fMCLK clock cycles with phase continuity which is impossible in PLL based systems which require a lock in time In contrast with analogue systems this process provides excellent acc...

Page 23: ...nomenon is different according to the oscilloscope used or its setup For example analogue oscilloscope or digital oscilloscope configured with 5 second persistence Graph 1 In the analogue oscilloscope...

Page 24: ...inimum step Ramp start sync pulse on BNC socket IN OUT VCF 50 output Protectedagainstpermanentshort circuitsandreversepowersurgesupto 60 V DC connection to BNC socket Amplitudeadjustment 0 to 20 V pea...

Page 25: ...value in decades by positioning the cursor on the unit Hz Vpp S THUMBWHEELSWITCH The thumbwheel switch 17 modifies the selected parameter i e that below which the cursor is 5 DESCRIPTION OF BASIC COMM...

Page 26: ...voltage is 10 V Beyond the amplifier saturates To obtain a correct output signal the sum of the Level and Offset absolute must necessarily be less than or equal to 10 V DUTYCYCLEADJUSTMENT DUTY Fig 9...

Page 27: ...ayed between the frequency and function From this time on the output signal is amplitude modulated by the VCF input signal 20 The depth depends on the input voltage 1Vrms corresponds to100 To quit the...

Page 28: ...socket 19 the frequency counter shows its frequency The maximum allowable voltage at this input is 60 V The 0 25 MHz range is divided into 5 sub ranges The display is controlled automatically STORINGA...

Page 29: ...ully unfolded Connect the mains cable to the socket 25 at the back of the unit Connect the other end of the cable to a 230V AC mains socket Your generator is ready to operate 6 2 OPERATION Depress the...

Page 30: ...ow the value of a parameter use the key Example If you type 8 0 you will be returned the current value of Level for example 2 5 Vcc Note For parameter interrogation the unit is not significant Example...

Page 31: ...ves access to the Lin sweep menu see table Typing O K line 5 validates the selected modulation The first entry of 2 5 K for the F Start frequency line 7 is received by the unit and displayed At this t...

Page 32: ...generator output to Vin 7 3 FREQUENCY RESPONSE The Sweep lin or log modulation schemes cause frequency sweeping An oscilloscope connected to the output of the stage to be tested automatically shows t...

Page 33: ...2022 H CURRI Manager ELIMINATION OF MANUFACTURING WASTES BY THE PRIVATE USERSINTHEEU This symbol written in the product or in its packaging indicates thatthisproductmustnotbethrowinthegarbagewithyouro...

Page 34: ...34 4000 4 319 _EN 02 09 ENGLISH...

Page 35: ...tdarauf zuachten dassdieSammelanschlussklemmeamgeerdetenPolderVersorgungsschaltungangeschlossenist berlastung AndenEing ngend rfenaufkeinenFallSpannungenangelegtwerden dieausdem festgelegten Bereich a...

Page 36: ...sagt dass das Signal im Rauschen verschwindet Nachteile der Analogsynthese eines Signals Zur Erzeugung eines Schwingungssignals ist eine besondere Schaltung ein sogenannter Oszillator oder Schwinger e...

Page 37: ...chalsAbtastperiodebezeichnet DaserhalteneSignalistnochtreppenf rmig Ineinemzweiten SchrittwirddiesesSignaldannmiteinemgeeignetenTiefpassfiltergegl ttet umihmeinedemurspr nglichenSignal entsprechende k...

Page 38: ...liebiggro eFrequenz nderungen innerhalbeines oder weniger Takte FMCLK unter Beibehaltung der Phase was bei Systemen die auf PLL Schaltungen beruhten unm glich war da dort immer eine gewisse Synchronis...

Page 39: ...en Filters ausgeglichen Bei Dreiecks und Rampensignalen die nicht auf gleiche Weise wie Sinuswellen gefiltert werden k nnen werden die das Signal bildenden Punkte oberhalb 2 MHz sichtbar Die Sichtbark...

Page 40: ...Linear oder logarithmisch PeriodederRampe 10 ms bis 10 s in Schritten von 10 ms Abtasttiefe von 0 36 Hz bis Fmax F stop min F Start 100 Hz Mindestschritt von 10 Hz SynchronisiersignalRampenstartBNC An...

Page 41: ...IENUNGEN WahlderFunktion Function Beim Einschalten des Generators stellt sich der Cursor unter die Funktion Durch Drehen des Stellknopfs 17 kann dann die gew nschte Funktion gew hlt werden Sin Sinus S...

Page 42: ...utwert 10 Volt nicht bertreffen EINSTELLUNGDESTASTVERH LTNISSES DUTY Abb 9 DieSymmetrieeinstellungistnurdannaufdem50 Ausgangaktiv wenneinRechtecksignal SQUARE gew hltwurde Sie erfolgt immer auf dem TT...

Page 43: ...ktion wird dann ein Stern angezeigt Das Ausgangssignal wird nun mit der geforderten Tiefe mit einer Frequenz von 800 Hz amplitudenmoduliert Zum Verlassen der Modulation die Taste Modul Stop Mod 14 bet...

Page 44: ...meterdurchdoppelteBet tigungderTasteFunction Counter 9 gew hlt werden Nach erfolgter Wahl kommt die Meldung Fext 0 25 MHz zur Anzeige und der Cursor verschiebt sich unter F Mit dem Stellknopf 17 den B...

Page 45: ...s NULL MODEM Kabel einer maximalen L nge von 3 Metern verwenden 25 NetzanschlussmitSicherungshalter Hier wird das Netzkabel angeschlossen Der Sicherungshalter enth lt eine Sicherung von 5x20 T200mA 24...

Page 46: ...en die Felder leer lassen und in Zeilenverz gerung und Zeichenverz gerung 5 setzen Im Feld Empfang die 3 Felder ankreuzen und auf OK klicken Die Konfiguration registrieren Die Fernbedienung des GF 266...

Page 47: ...rddurchEingabevon O und K diegetroffeneWahl best tigt worauf zum n chsten Schritt bergegangen werden kann Solange diese Best tigung jedoch noch nicht vorgenommen wurde kann ein eingegebener Zahlenwert...

Page 48: ...des Funktionsgenerators bei Ve anschlie en 7 3 FREQUENZKENNLINIE DieModulationenSweeplinoderlog Wobbelung verursachenperiodische Schwankungen der Frequenz Ein am Ausgang einer zu pr fenden Stufe anges...

Page 49: ...Vertr glichkeit Elektromagnetische 2014 30 UE und RoHs 2011 65 UE Die folgenden Normen angewandt wurden Sicherheit EN61010 1 2010 EMV EN61326 1 2013 Annecy 01 JANUAR 2022 Henri Curri Gesch ftsf hrer B...

Page 50: ...50 4000 4 319 _DE 02 09 DEUTSCH...

Page 51: details go to www elc fr DL 07 ALR3206D 390Watts 2 x 0 to 32V and 0 to 6A series parallel tracking DC 05 ALR3002M 120Watts 0 5 6 12 or 30V 0 25mA 250mA or 2 5A and 6 12 or 24V resistance box induct...

Page 52: ...ccessoires Pour plus de d tails visitez notre site www elc fr DL 07 ALR3206D 390Watts 2 x 0 32V 0 6A s rie parall le tracking DC 05 ALR3002M 120Watts 0 5 6 12 ou 30V 0 25mA 250mA ou 2 5A et 6 12 ou 24...
