Perform a Method
Follow steps 6-9 of “Performing a Standard Method” in this manual.
Perform an Ash Method
Follow the steps outlined for “Performing a Standard Method.” Then place the two sample pads in the muffle
furnace at the designated temperature and time. Once the ashing process is completed, use a desiccator to
permit the sample pads to cool. Then reweigh both sample pads in the SMART 6 to calculate the %ASH of the
Based on the heat retention properties of the sample, samples which have just been analyzed should be
given adequate time to cool to prevent burns.
Perform an iDri Method
iDri is a proprietary method analysis that allows the user to reduce test times on certain products to less than two
(2) minutes. The SMART 6 is able to analyze the drying curve of a specific sample type and apply an algorithm to
the testing in order to achieve an accurate final result in up to half the test time. A large number of samples must
first be analyzed in COMBO mode to determine the iDri bias, but once the bias is set, iDri can be fully turned to ON
to end the test in less than two (2) minutes. For more information on developing an iDri method, contact the CEM
Process Applications group at (800) 726-3331.
If iDri is turned ON, the test will perform as normal, just in a reduced time. The iDri bias must be set in order
to achieve an accurate analysis.
If iDri is turned to COMBO, the test will provide an iDri result, but continue performing the test until the CW
parameters specified in the method are achieved. COMBO mode assists in determining the iDri bias required
when the iDri is in the ON mode.