Fig 19. Example configuration TCP server
For configuration of
TCP Client Settings
(Fig 20), select
Automatically establish TCP connections,
connection between client and
TCP server will be automatically. Then select
Always connect and maintain connection
option and in section
connection to the following network service
enter IP address of device to which TCP client will send data, select service and enter
port. There is also possible to select an option
Enable TCP Keep-Alive
– connection will be kept, even if the data is not transmitted
over the network.
For saving the configuration press
Enable TCP Keep-Alive
keeps connection between server and client, even if the data is not transmitted over the network and
reconnection in case of interruption.
Configuration of this option can be made by selection
Configuration > Network > Advanced Network Settings > TCP Keep-Alive
In this section can be configured:
Idle Time
– specifies the period of time (scope 10 sec. - 24 hours) that a TCP connection has to be idle before a keep-alive is sent.
Probe Interval
– the time in seconds between each keep-alive probe (scope 10 – 75 sec.),
Probe Count
– the number of times TCP probes the connection to determine (scope 5 – 30 trials).
Fig 20. Example configuration of TCP client
Attention !
Default port of serial port service is 2101.
If on the local network conflict with other network service using the same port, change number of port into another for the
service server of serial bridge and client in the server port configuration.