Operation Manual
Safe2+ / Safe4
Safety & Automation AG / June 2008
www.cedes.com 5
3.3. Application
The safe application of the light curtain systems
Safe2+ or Safe4 needs certain precautions:
1. The control unit of the machine or system must
be able to be electrically stopped and the stop
time must be known.
2. The hazardous moving parts of the machine
must always be stoppable and must achieve a
safe position or complete standstill within the
specified stop time of the machine.
3. When installing Safe 2+ or Safe4, it has to be
ensured that overreach, under reach or unpro-
tected area situations are impossible by taking
all necessary steps.
Figure 4: Correct installation
Figure 5: Incorrect installation
For the professional installation and connection,
please consult the relevant laws and regulations.
The safety officer of the manufacturing facilities, the
local authorities (OSHA in USA, HSE in GB) or the
respective industry associations as well as the inten-
sively trained employees of CEDES are available for
any safety related queries.
3.3.1. Corner mirrors
The protective field between emitter and receiver can
be guided around a corner using a mirror to allow
safeguarding of two or three hazardous areas. Note
that using one mirror will reduce max. operating ran-
ge by approx. 20 %.
It is not recommended to use more than two mirrors
due to alignment difficulties that may occur.
As accessories two types of mirrors are available,
with different mounting plates and sizes. Detailed
information is available from CEDES.
Principles of operation
The emitter sends coded infrared light pulses to the
receiver, which evaluates them. If an object e.g. a
finger (14 mm) or a hand (30 mm) penetrates the
protective field, the fully redundant solid state Output
Signal Switching Devices OSSD of the receiver
switch off to stop the machine. As soon as the pro-
tective field is cleared, both outputs switch on again
(automatic restart).
4.1. Mode of operation
Safe2+ or Safe4 operates in the guard only mode
with automatic restart. Other modes of operation e.g.
PSDI mode (break mode), muting, external relay
monitoring can be realized using external safety
4.2. Intelligent Laser Alignment System
The ILAS is a most convenient feature to make
alignment a pleasure. The ILAS can be activated at
any time during installation or operation. It provides
the possibility to check if the sensor is still perfectly
aligned. In addition it indicates any vibrations at the
mounting base.
4.3. LED
Power on
Power on
Output active
Output inactive
Normal operation
Test input
(IR light)
(IR light)
Figure 6: LED indicators