Safe2+ / Safe4
18 www.cedes.com
Safety & Automation AG / June 2008
8. Selection of a safety light
8.1. Check
In consideration of following points the selection of a
proper Safe2+ or Safe4 safety light curtain will be
1. Regulations
Look up carefully the actual regulations and codes
applicable to the particular application in your coun-
try. Local authorities and professional organisations
as well as CEDES representatives will provide nec-
essary assistance.
USA: Occupation Safety and Health Administration
OSHA, others like ANSI, RIA and further pro-
fessional organisations
GB: Health and Safety Executive HSE, safety con-
sultants and professional organisations
2. Protective
Determination of
required operating range,
protective height (available in increments of
120 mm),
resolution (object detection capability: 14 mm
or 30 mm)
and configuration of light curtain (special con-
figuration with extension modules)
Operating range, protective height and special con-
figuration must be chosen so that the danger points
are only accessible through the protective field.
3. Response
The response time t
of Safe2+ or Safe4 can be
found on the product label and in the selection table
(next section). The response time can also be calcu-
late with the Configuration Tool.
The total response time of a system made of several
extension modules is the sum of the response time
of the single modules (sum of the protective heights
). The total response time of the complete system
can be found on the product label.
You need a light curtain with 30 mm resolution made
of two segments to prevent someone from standing
between the light curtain and the danger point. The
vertical portion has a protective height of 960 mm,
the horizontal portion is 600 mm. The response time
of this configuration is identical with the response
time of a single light curtain with a protective height
of 1560 mm, which is the sum of 960 mm and 600
4. Corner
Using corner mirrors allows to safeguard two or
three protective fields with one light curtain.
Each corner mirror reduces the operating range by
appr. 20 % per mirror.