Operation Manual
Safe2+ / Safe4
Safety & Automation AG / June 2008
www.cedes.com 11
2. Take care that the receiver and emitter are ori-
ented in the same direction. This means, the
controllers of the emitter and receiver have to
be at the same end of the protective field.
It is not allowed to mount Safe2+ or Safe4 sys-
tems turned by 180° (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Layout of the emitter / receiver
3. After aligning the longitudinal axis of emitter
and receiver, rotate the receiver around the
longitudinal axis to find the receiving angle.
During rotation, the receiving angle is shown
when the green LED of the receiver controller
is on.
4. Adjust the receiver to the centre point of the
operating angle, and tighten.
5. After aligning the receiver rotate the emitter to
find the emitting angle. During rotation, the
emitting angle is shown when the green LED of
the emitter controller is on.
6. Adjust the emitter to the centre point of the op-
erating angle, and tighten.
7. Control the operation of the Safe2+ or Safe4
light curtain by using the test rod (Figure 15).
Introducing the test rod into the protective field
at any position must lead to a protective field
interruption (shining of the red LED on the re-
When mounting Perimeter Systems adjust the
heights according to the recommendations in the
standard EN 999.
5.2.4. Adjustment Procedure with ILAS
1. Mount the emitter and the receiver with the ad-
justable mounting brackets. Look for that the
longitudinal axis of both are oriented parallel.
Take care that receiver and emitter are ori-
ented in the same direction. This means, the
controllers of emitter and receiver have to be at
the same end of the protective field. It is not al-
lowed to mount Safe2+ or Safe4 systems
turned by 180° (Figure 13).
2. The ILAS is activated by touching the hand
at the emitter resp. at the receiver.
3. Adjust the emitter and receiver in a way that
both laser points hit the laser target on the op-
posite unit. Small deviations are harmless as
long as they are within the aperture angle.
4. Tighten all screws firmly.
5. Switch the ILAS off when aligned.
5.2.5. Remarks to ILAS
Due to dimensional tolerances the red ILAS light
spot deflects from the target center when the light
curtain is aligned optimal in the center of the operat-
ing range. The optimal operating point can be found
after alignment with ILAS (chapter 5.2.4) when mov-
ing the axis in X- (left, right) and Z- (up, down) direc-
tion. The optimal operating point is in the middle of
the two end points, where the receiver output
switches from active to inactive condition.
On optimal alignment of the light
curtain the ILAS light point can deflect
from the ILAS target point. The
maximum deflection adds up to the
following value due the operating
2 m
R = 7 mm
D = 7 mm
6 m
R = 20 mm
D = 21 mm
9 m
R = 30 mm
D = 32 mm
18 m R = 60 mm
D = 63 mm
30 m R = 99 mm
D = 105 mm
Figure 14: Adjustment with ILAS
5.2.6. Testing the protection field
After Installation and Alignment of the Safe2+/4
safety light curtain, the protection field has to be
tested with the test rod for the corresponding resolu-
tion (14 or 30 mm) according Figure 15. Introducing
the test rod into the protective field at any position
must lead to a protective field interruption (shining of
the red LED on the receiver).
When mounting Perimeter Systems adjust the
heights according to the recommendations in the
standard EN 999.
Figure 15: Correct testing of the protective field using a test