While the machine is operational one
must be correctly positioned to avoid
accidents. Ones body must always be
perpendicular to the processing
surface (
see Fig. n°25)
. Do not position
oneself so as to have dirrect
contact between parts of ones body
and the moving machine.
The product to be processed by
theTM must be loaded when the
motors are off.
The procedure is as follows:
A Load the product to be processed in the opening for the lid
(as per fig n°
26) .
If the product is small in size (like carrots, baby marrows etc.) load
the material via the conductor on the lever
(as per fig.n°27).
Switch on the
machine and help the processing by gently pushing on the press or by
using the pestle if the opening is used
Fig. n°23 - Assembly of expulsion palette
Fig. n°24 - Assembly of coupled discs PS- DF
Fig. n°23
Fig. n°24
Case in which the expulsion palette must not be assembled
Fig. n°25 - Correct position
CHAP.1 -
The vegetable cutter must only be used by trained personnel, who are
perfectly familiar with the safety regulations contained in this manual.
Provide timely training to personnel that may have to be in the vicinity
of the machine.
Eventhough the machine is equipped with safety devices, avoid putting
ones hands close to the moving parts.
Prior to cleaning or maintenance, disconnect the machine from its
electrical supply network.
When intervening for the cleaning or maintenance of the Vegetable
cutter (and thus the protective devices are removed), carefully evaluate
the degree of risk involved.
During the cleaning or maintenance, maintain ones concentration on
the operation being performed.
Periodically check the condition of the electrical lead, a worn lead or
anyway one that is not intact represents serious danger of an electrical
Should one presume or should the machine show signs of
malfunctioning it is advisable not to use it and call the “Assistance
Centre” to be found on the back of the manual.
Do not use the Vegetable cutter for frozen products, meat and fish with
bones and any non-food products.
Do not intervene directly in repairing the machine, but call an
authorized technician.
Always use the press with pestle to cut the merchandise
To avoid any kind of problem, do not overfill the conductor and do not
press too hard.
The manufacturer is exempt of any responsibility in the following cases.
The machine is manipulated by unauthorized personnel;
Components are replaced by other
non origninals
discs not
supplied by ourselves;
The instructions in this manual are not followed
with attention;
The surfacaes of the machine are treated with inappropriate products.