Radiance Technical Service Manual
C Models
: The Radiance 10 and 5 units are supplied
with backlit push buttons that help to draw attention
to the machine for operation as well as communicate
to the operator or customers. The back lit push buttons
will operate differently depending on the machine
status. The back lit push buttons are illuminated in the
following states to communicate:
1. The Push Button back lights will fade ON and OFF
with a low level of illumination to communicate
that the water heater is bringing the water
temperature back up to the factory preset level.
The Push Button back lights will flash quickly, with
high intensity with all buttons flashing at the same
time if the machine is OUT OF ORDER. (The typical
failure that will trigger this response on this unit
will be that the water heater has failed.) See the
section of this manual for
definition of Fault codes and corrective action.
Drip tray level indicator
Every drip tray includes a red level indicator. At any
time, if the indicator protrudes above the drain grid,
this indicates that spillage into the drain tray has
become excessive and the tray should be drained and
rinsed. To remove the drain grid and drain pan, simply
pull the drain pan forward and lift the drain grid (with
attached red level indicator) out of place. Then pull the
drain pan forward, away from the machine, being
careful not to spill contents. Thoroughly rinse the drain
pan and the drain grid. It is not necessary to remove the
level indicator from the drain grid.
Circuit Breakers
In the event that one or more dispense heads are not
functioning, and no fault code or out of service message
is displayed on the touchscreens, then the circuit
breakers should be checked. The circuit breakers are
accessed by opening the door panel, and removing the
powder hoppers. Rotate the plastic dispense elbows
(from the powder bins) up to avoid powder spillage
before removing bins. There are 4 circuit breakers
located behind the powder hoppers at the top. Three
of the circuit breakers are located together on the left
side (as looking from the front). The 3 left-side circuit
breakers each control the power to components. If one
is tripped, the button will protrude forward. Simply
push the button in to reset. The single circuit breaker
on the right side controls power to control boards and
sensors. It is reset using the same procedure.
Operation (continued)