TU RS485/ETH serie
CD Automation srl
Is not possible to power-on the
-The Controller is not correctly powered.
-The value of the power supply value is
lower than the specifications limits.
-Refer to the data-sheet of the Controller
in use and verify the relative Technical
There is not communication between
the Host PC and the Controller.
-Ethernet port not correctly connected.
-Modbus Slave port not correctly
-Eventual interface between PC and
Controller not correctly connected.
-Wrong communication parameters.
-Refer to the section 7.1
-Refer to the data-sheets of the Controller
and the Interface device in use.
-Refer to the section 8.1 .
There is not communication between
the Controller and one or more
Modbus slave devices.
-Modbus Master port not correctly
-The slave device is not correctly powered.
-The slave device is not correctly
connected on the RS-485 serial line.
-Wrong communication parameters.
-The Modbus addresses of the slave
devices connected are not included in the
range set in the System Register %S17
(Gateway Mask) .
-Refer to the section 8.1
-Refer to the data-sheets of the Controller
and the Slave devices in use.
-Slave device in INIT condition and Baud-
rate of communication different of 9600
-Verify the values of Gateway Mask.
The Program is not correctly executed
or it is impossible to execute the
-Wrong communication parameters.
-The Controller is in “Debug” modality and
in Halt, Stop or Break Point condition.
-Wrong data-format of the Registers.
-Wrong parameters of the Function Block.
-Controller in Stack Overflow condition.
-Parameters of the eventual Slave
devices connected not correctly inserted.
-The Program has not been downloaded
-Controller in INIT modality.
-Refer to the section 8.1
-Set the Controller in “Debug” modality
and in “Run” condition or in “Release”
-Remove eventual Break Points.
-Set the correct data-format of Registers.
-Verify the parameters of Function Block
(data-format, masks, tables, etc..).
-Control, in the Program, the correspon-
dence between Call and Return.
-Control the configuration of the Slave
devices ( type of input and output, etc..)
-Download the Program.
-Control if the INIT modality is active.
The configuration of the Controller is
-Set the Controllore in “INIT” modality; the
parameters of configuration of the
Controller will be forced to the default
values listed in section 6.6 .
The Controller is connected in “INIT”
modality but is not executed (where
foresee the LED “STS” doesn't blink)
or there is not communication between
the Host PC and the Controller.
-Controller not correctly connected.
-Wrong port Baud Rate.
-Connect the terminal INIT to GND.
-Switch-off and than power-on the
Controller after the connection of the
terminal INIT to GND.
-Set the Baud-rate of the Slave Port as
9600 bps.
The functions Clock and Calendar
(where foresee) don't work correctly.
-Battery low or absent.
-Clock and Calendar parameters not
correctly set in the proper Registers.
-Change or insert the battery.
-Control the parameters of the System
Registers (refer to the sections 3.3
and 3.4).
The function “Search” doesn't find
any Controller.
-There are not Controllers connected.
-Controllers not correctly connected.
-The Controllers connected by Ethernet
port has been set with communication
parameters not compatible with the
Ethernet interface of the Host PC in use.
-On the network are active Firewall or
Routers that block the access to the
-Refer to the data-sheet of the Controller
in use and verify the relative Technical
-Verify the parameters of the Ethernet
interface of the Host PC.
-Call the System Administrator in order to
connect the controller to the network.