TU RS485/ETH serie
CD Automation srl
Move the value of an Internal Register or Constant in a new Register without to change the original value.
Writes in an Internal Register the value of a Constant (pre-set) or the value of another Register (copy). The
value will be converted to the format selected for the Register of destination. The address of the source
Register and the address of the Register of destination can be the same (modify the format of the Register).
Constant or Internal Register from which the value is read.
Internal Register wherein the value is written.
And (word)
Executes the logical operation “AND” between two values.
Executes the logical operation “AND” between a Register and a constant (mask) or between two Registers.
The value will be converted to the format selected for the Register of destination. The address of the source
Register and the address of the Register of destination can be the same (modify the format of the Register).
After the execution of the logical operation, only the bits set as 1 in the mask will be forced; the bits set as 0
won't be modified. In case of a 32 bit source Register or constant (long) and a 16 bit Register of destination
(integer), the most significant bits will be ignored. It is possible to use this function to force one or more bits of
a Register as 0 ( in the mask set as 0 the bits to force, set as 1 the other bits ).
Source A
Constant or Internal Register relative to the first operator.
Source B
Constant or Internal Register relative to the second operator.
Mask Out
Mask applied to the result.
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Or (word)
Executes the logical operation ”OR” between two values.
Executes the logical operation “OR” between a Register and a Constant (mask) or between two Registers.
The value will be converted to the format selected for the destination Register. The address of the source
Register and the address of the Register of destination can be the same (modify the format of the Register).
After the execution of the logical operation only the bits set as 1 in the mask will be forced; the bits set as 0
won't be modified. In case of a 32 bit source Register or constant (long) and a 16 bit Register of destination
(integer), the most significant bits will be ignored. It is possible to use this function to force one or more bits of
a Register as 1 ( in the mask set as 1 the bits to force, set as 0 the other bits ).
Source A
Constant or Internal Register relative to the first operator.
Source B
Constant or Internal Register relative to the second operator.
Mask applied to the result.
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Write the I/O Registers of a Modbus slave TU-E3000 series device
Writes the values of
Internal Registers in the I/O Register of a Modbus slave TU-E3000 series device. The
function will generate the proper Modbus command and will process the response. In case of missing
response or wrong response by the slave device, the Registers of destination are not updated and the value of
the System Register “COM Errors” is increased.
Refer to the technical documentation of the TU-E3000 series device for the complete description of the I/O
Selection of the TU-E3000 series device.
Modbus address of the slave device (1÷247)
Type of data to write (analogue outputs, digital outputs, etc...)
First Resource to write.
Last Resource to write.
Address of the first Internal Register from which the values to write are withdraw from.
Delay time between the reception of the response and the execution of the next instruction.