TU RS485/ETH serie
CD Automation srl
Shift R
Shift to right the bits of a Register .
Executes the shift of a Register to right: all of the bits are shifted of N positions to right. The most significant
bits will be forced to 0.
Internal Register containing the value.
Number of shift to execute.
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Shift L
Shift to left the bits of a Register.
Executes the shift of a Register to left: all of the bits are shifted of N positions to left. The least significant bits
will be forced to 0.
Internal Register containing the value.
Number of shift to execute.
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Executes the inversion of one or more bits of a Register.
Executes the inversion of one or more bit of a Register. After the execution of the logical operation will be
forced only the bits set as 1 in the mask; the bits set as 0 won't be modified.
Internal Register containing the value.
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Mask Out
Mask applied to the Register of destination.
XOr (bit)
Executes the logical operation “XOR” (Exclusive Or) between two bits.
Executes the logical operation “XOR” (bit to bit) between a Register and a constant (mask) or between two
Registers. The value will be converted to the format selected for the Register of destination. The address of
the source Register and the address of the Register of destination can be the same (modify the format of the
Register). After the execution of the logical operation only the bits set as 1 in the mask will be forced ; the bits
set as 0 won't be modified. In case of a 32 bit source Register or constant (long) and a 16 bit Register of
destination (integer), the most significant bits will be ignored.
Source A
Constant or Internal Register relative to the first operator.
Mask A
Bits of the first operator
Source B
Constant or Internal Register relative to the second operator.
Mask A
Bits of the second operator
Internal Register wherein the result is written.
Mask Out
Mask applied to the Register of destination .