Round Robin Ring
In this mode, the incoming Junction
call lands on one extension. If that extension is busy or doesn’t respond within few rings then the call
shifts to another extension.
0000 + 3X J # This program
disables the default ring assignment
0000 + 3 X J NN 0 # Here, X= 0 for Day Mode and 1 for Night mode.
J = 1 to 4 (Junction Line no)
NN = Last 2 digits of the 1
Round Robin Extension No.
(Not the Flexible Number)
Also note that the first Extension in Round Robin can be 601 to 616 only.
Cannot program Extension 617 to 632 in case of 432S.
# 27 NN XXX Where, XXX= 2
Extension number of Round Robin Extensions. If flexible numbering is done then
enter the Flexible number.
If the Flexible number is say 26 then XXX will be = 26 & not
NN= The last 2 digits of the
1st Extension number (Not the flexible number
# 27 NN XXX Where, XXX= 3rd Extension number of Round Robin Extensions. If flexible numbering is done then
enter the Flexible number.
If the Flexible number is say 26 then XXX will be = 26 & not
NN= The last 2 digits of the
2nd Extension number (Not the flexible number
# 27 NN XXX Where, XXX= 4th Extension number of Round Robin Extensions. If flexible numbering is done then
enter the Flexible number.
If the Flexible number is say 26 then XXX will be = 26 & not
NN= The last 2 digits of the
3rd Extension number (Not the flexible number
Round Robin Ring Assignment can be set in combination with Simultaneous Ring i.e., some extension would ring in
Simultaneous mode and some in Round Robin mode for the same Junction Line ring.
The Round Robin for Internal Calls can be Enabled / Disabled through the following Program:
0000 + 178 # to Enable
0000 + 179 # to Disable
To assign Round Robin to 601, 602, 604 and then 603
Dial #
0000 + 3 0 1 #
0000 + 3 0 1 01 0 #
#27 01 602
#27 02 604
#27 04 603
Dial #
0000 + 3 0 2 #
0000 + 3 0 2 01 0 #
#27 01 602
#27 02 604
#27 04 603
Dial #
0000 + 3 0 3 #
0000 + 3 0 3 01 0 #
#27 01 602
#27 02 604
#27 04 603
Options when all assigned extensions are busy
When the extensions assigned for the Junction incoming call are busy, following options can be set:
Dial #
0000 + 1880# (The assigned extension when busy, will hear a waiting call beep after every 5 seconds)
This is the default setting.
Dial #
0000 + 1881#
(The call will land on the first available extension starting from 601, 602, …to … 632)
Junction Line - Enable / Disable
If less than 3 Junction lines are connected to the system then lock the unused Junction Line.
To Enable one Junction Line at a time, Dial #
0000 + 060 J #
Here, J = 1,2, 3 or 4 representing the 4 Junction Lines
To Disable one Junction Line at a time, Dial #
0000 + 061 J #
Here, J = 1,2, 3 or 4 representing the 4 Junction Lines
To disable all the 4 Junction Lines,
Dial #
0000 + 0610 #
To enables all the Junction Lines,
Dial #
0000 + 0600 #
If all Junction L
ines are enabled with “Dial #
0000 + 0600 #” then the programming “Dial #
0000 + 060 J #” will not
work unless all the 4 Junction lines are disabled.
In default all Junction Lines are Disabled.
Junction to Junction Forwarding
There are 2 types of Junction to Junction Transfer: