Technical information
3.6. "Level regulation" Option
The MeteoR2 includes level regulation. Three kits are available as options to complete your instal-
• Floater only (no topping up, only low water safety) (ref SF140008).
• NIV KIT (ref PF10K006/V02) for pools fitted with skimmers, it contains
– A floater with a positioning and fixing system,
– A solenoid and a fuse connection kit.
• NIV BT KIT (ref PF10K009) for overflow pools, it contains
– A channel with 4 floaters, a positioning and fixing system,
– A solenoid and a fuse connection kit.
Level regulation can be configured using the following options:
• Low water safety = pump sh topping up (Ref. PF10K006/V02 or SF140008)
• Topping up = topping up only (PF10K006/V02)
• Overflow (regulation for the buffer pool) (PF10K009)
3.7. "Zen'iT" option (remote control)
The Zen'iT control box is the "must have" option
for your MeteoR2. Offset using a cable (maxi-
mum 1000m), it is used to control all your ap-
pliance features. All the menus are identical to
the control box menus. Its "mirror" design and
rounded corners make it possible to install it in
a living area (lounge, pool-house, patio). It must
be installed in a place that is sheltered from rain
and splashing. Up to 3 Zen'iT control boxes can
be installed on a MeteoR2.
3.7.1. IOS / Android application
The Zen'iT control box also has a bluetooth gateway (Bluetooth Low Energy). Using this feature,
you can control all your MeteoR2 functions from your smartphone.