Version 17
User Guide
Appendix A: PSD and MSD Configuration
A.1 General
The Configuration tool makes it possible for any user to set the operating frequency of a PSD or an MSD. It also
allows authorized users such as major users and distributors to set the MSD and PSD master address, plus the
PSD’s individual sub-address.
Address setting uses an online database and is restricted to authorized users to ensure no address or sub-
address duplication can exist, as this could present a safety issue.
A.2 Benefits of using the configuration tool
Frequency Change
The Safe-E-Stop system must have an interference-free operating RF channel to reliably maintain a machine in
the running state, as interference could block the signal and lead to false E-Stop events. Having the configuration
tool makes it possible for a user to change the operating frequency in the event that another system on or off site
is causing interference on the current channel. It also means that for authorized users, spare PSDs and MSDs
can be stored and deployed quickly for any user on any machine, leading to much faster service.
Selection of the correct operating frequency is entirely the responsibility of the user. Cattron accepts no
responsibility for incorrect frequency selection or configuration.
The frequency selected must conform to the channel-setting rules shown in section 4 of this manual or the
system may not function correctly.
For licensed frequencies, the channel set must also have a valid FCC, IC, or other license, or the user may be
subject to federal license infringement fines.
Master Address Change
The Safe-E-Stop system requires that the MSD and associated PSDs all share a common master address.
Having the configuration tool makes it possible for an authorized user to set or change the master address of any
MSD or PSD, allowing for spare PSDs and MSDs to be stored and deployed quickly for any user on any machine,
leading to much faster service. PSDs will also require the sub-address to be configured (see below).
Users should ensure that when a system includes one or more spare MSDs, that only one is powered on at a
time or the system will not operate without errors.
All users must ensure that only one Master Address is used in one location, i.e. do not use one MSD and some
associated PSDs in one location and a spare MSD plus other associated PSDs in another location.
Authorized users must ensure the above is adhered to by associating only one Master Address per user
PSD Sub-Address
MSDs can be associated with up to 15 PSDs, each having a unique identity between 1 and 15. This additional
PSD setting can be made with the configuration tool by authorized users.