Check Method of Causes
Repair Method
Explanation Figures
Cateye Ergociser EC-5000 Service Manual
No Display on Control Unit after Power ON. (Back light does not turn on.) (2)
No Display on Control Unit after Power ON. (Back light does not turn on.) (2)
(c) Firmly connect the 5P connector to the power sup-
ply board.
(d) Firmly connect the 2P connector to the power sup-
ply board.
(e) Replace the 5P cable. (See [ES-2: Replacing the
5P Cable].)
(f) Replace the inlet metal base set.
(See [ES-1: Replacing the Wiring within
Frame (Inlet Metal Base Set)].)
5P Cable
Normal for 14V thru 19V
Power Cable
Red Cable
(Terminal 2)
Black Cable
(Terminal 1)
2P Connector
[3] Checking the Wiring within the Main Unit
1. Remove the cover of the main unit set.
(See [D-1: Removing the Frame Covers].)
2. Check if the 5P connector and the 2P connector of the inlet
metal base set are connected to the power supply board. (Fig.
When the 5P connector has been already disconnected,
this will be the cause. In this case you need to take actions
as specified in the repair method (c) described at the right.
When the 2P connector has been already disconnected,
this will be the cause. In this case you need to take actions
as specified in the repair method (d) described at the right.
When both 5P and 2P connectors are connected, proceed to the
following checkings:
3. Remove the 5P connector at the power supply board. (Fig. 3)
4. Check the short-circuiting by using a tester across the two con-
nectors of the 5P cable (across two Terminal No. 2s). (Fig. 4)
If the two connectors are short-circuited, the tester reading will
be zero (0).
When there is no short-circuiting, the 5P cable may be dis-
In this case, you need to take actions as specified in the repair
method (e) described at the right.
When short-circuiting is found, check the following:
5. Remove the 2P connector at the power supply board. (Fig. 3)
6. Connect the AC adapter to the main unit, and turn on the main
7. Measure the voltage by using a tester across the terminals of
the 2P connector. (Fig. 5)
The Terminal 1 is for minus (-) and Terminal 2 is for plus (+).
When the voltage is not same as in the case of checking
procedure [1] (in the range of 14V to 19V), the inlet metal
base set might be defective, or the 2P cable might be dis-
connected. In this case, you need to take actions as speci-
fied in the repair method (f) described at the right.
Power Supply
5P Connector
The case a short-circuiting is found:0/no short-circuiting:1.
Black Cable
(Terminal 2)
Red Cable
(Terminal 2)