Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
Operator's Manual
HPS09 Pellet Stove
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
• Important operatIng and maInte-
nance instructions included.
• read, underStand and follow theSe
instructions for safe installation
and oPeration.
• leave thIS manual wIth party re-
sPonsible for use and oPeration.
do not discard!
Please read this entire manual before
installation and use of this Pellet
fuel-burning room heater. failure to
follow these instructions could re-
sult in ProPerty damage, bodily injury
or even death.
• do not Store or uSe gaSolIne or oth-
er flammable vaPors and liquids in
the vicinity of this or any other aP-
• do not overfIre - If any external
Part starts to glow, you are over-
firing. reduce feed rate. overfiring
will void the warranty.
• comply wIth all mInImum clearanceS
to combustibles as sPecified. failure
to comPly may cause a house fire.
tested and aPProved for Pellet fuel.
burning any other tyPe of fuel voids
check building codes Prior to installa-
tion. contact the regulating author-
ity Prior to installation to determine
the need for a Permit.
• InStallatIon muSt comply wIth lo-
cal, regional, state and national
codes and regulations
• conSult local buIldIng or fIre offI-
cials about restrictions and instal-
lation insPection requirements in
your area.
hot! do not touch. severe burns may
result. clothing ignition may result.
glass and other surfaces are hot dur-
ing oPeration and cool down.
• Keep chIldren away.
• carefully SupervISe chIldren In Same
room as aPPliance.
• do not operate wIth protectIve bar-
riers oPen or removed.
• Keep clothIng, furnIture, draperIeS
and other combustibles away.