User ManUal
Carving FitnESS™ |
2.1 DiSPLaY:
Functions displaying: LEvEL, rPM, CaLOriES, tiME,
DiStanCE, SPEED, HEart ratE and SCan
2.2 COMPUtEr inStrUCtiES:
there are 3 screens on the console computer:
Upper screen, Functions displaying: rPM, CaLOriES, tiME,
DiStanCE, SPEED and SCan
Middle screen, Functions displaying: each graphic of program and input mes-
sage in scroll
text when in the input Mode. When access Fitness test Program, the Score
will show up when time is up.
Lower screen, Functions displaying: HEart ratE and WOrKOUt LEvEL
SCan function:
When Scan indicator lights up, the display value of the upper screen will
scroll every 4 seconds.
reset SCan function: press EntEr when SCan indicator lights up, the Scan
indicator light is out (which means the display value of upper screen is fixed in
one specific value).