| Carving FitnESS™
User ManUal
the Carving was specifically designed to be easy to use, reliable and maintenance free.
However, certain common problems that may arise are addressed in the following trOU-
BLESHOOting guide. Should the problem not be resolved after consulting this section,
please contact your authorised dealer.
PrOBLEM: Display console doesn’t light up.
SOLUtiOn: if the Carving has been out of use for an extended period of time the batter-
ies may have discharged over time and the console stop to light up when stop pedalling.
Begin and keep pedalling the Carving to light the console and recharge the batteries for
15 minutes.
if this leads not to the desired result, replace the 4 rechargeable batteries (only type: aa
nickel-metal hydryde ni-MH!). these are located at the rear of the monitor computer. ac-
cess to the batteries compartment is possible by loosing the 4 display mounting screws.
PrOBLEM: if the display console is dim once you have begun pedalling, press the power
key to turn on the display console.
SOLUtiOn: if the display console remains dim or doesn’t light up after attempting the
previous solutions, replace the 4 rechargeable batteries (only type: aa nickel-metal hy-
dryde ni-MH !). these are located at the rear of the monitor computer. access to the bat-
teries compartment is possible by loosening the 4 display mounting screws.
PrOBLEM: no heart rate signal is displayed on the console or heart rate reading is er-
ratic or inconsistent.
SOLUtiOn: if using a heart rate chest strap:
Make certain that the strap is being worn correctly. When worn correctly the rubber
electrodes of the strap are flat against the skin. the electrodes must be sufficiently moist
before heart rate can be accurately detected by the console. removing the chest strap
and rewetting the electrodes will frequently solve the problem.
Make sure the chest strap transmitter is within three feet of the display console.
Heart rate chest straps emit a low-level radio signal that is detected by the display con-
sole of the Carving. interference from other radio or sound waves such television sets,
DvD players, cell phones, computers, or loudspeakers can cause erratic readings.
Moving your Carving away from such interference may eliminate this problem. another
heart rate transmitter within three feet may cause abnormal heart rate readings.
7. trOUBLE SHOOting