9-4 Printer diagram
This analyzer's inner printer is thermal printing method-applying printer.
Replacement of printing paper
9-4-1. Open the cover of the printer as shown on drawing 1.
When opening the cover of the printer, grab the handle and pull it forward as shown on drawing.
Then the cover opens.
When replacing the printing paper, make sure the correct side, as the printing paper has
pintable side.
9-4-2. Insert the paper as shown on drawing 2. If it inserted oppositely with wrong side of paper, it
won't be printed, since only one side is printable.
9-4-3. When the rubber stick of printer falls off or when replacing the rubber stick, place it with correct
direction to fit to the gear.
CAUTION : When rubber stick and printer parts is moistened or blemished, major parts of the
printer could be damaged. When moistened, dry it before use.
When blemished, clean it before use.