V1.0 | NRG EtherCAT User Manual | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI LTD.
NRG controller
The NRG controller handles the communication with the higher-level controller and with the NRG solid
state relays. It has to be supplied with a 24VDC supply and provides the power supply to the connected
NRG solid state relays via the internal bus cables. A termination resistor (RGN-TERMRES) provided with
every NRG controller has to be fitted on the last solid state relay of the NRG bus chain. The NRG
controller is also capable of performing internal operations to setup and maintain the internal bus.
Various NRG Controller variants are available which facilitate communication via different
communication protocols. These are identified via the part numbers. The NRG controller with an
EtherCAT communication interface is the
NRG solid state relays
The RG..N solid state relays are the switching components in the NRG system.
They are available with and without heatsink. For a reference of the variants
available refer to the RG..N datasheet. The RG..CM..N utilises the
communication system for switching, measurement and diagnostic thus
minimising the number of components required in the system. There are 2
variants of the RG..CM..N, the RGx1A..CM..N is the zero cross relay including
various switching modes such as ON/OFF, Burst, Distributed full cycle and
Advanced full cycle modes. The RGx1P..CM..N is the proportional control
variant which on top of the aforementioned switching modes includes also
phase angle switching and soft starting features. For more information on the
functions of each variant refer to Section 6.
Through the internal BUS, the main controller can read measurement
parameters and diagnostics information related to the RG..N and its load. The RG..N is also capable of detecting
certain fault conditions. A fault condition is indicated through a red LED available on the façade of the RG..N. The type
of fault can be identified through a specific flash rate of the red LED and identified via the communication system.
Since the main controller needs to address each specific RG..N individually, each RG..N needs to be uniquely
identifiable. It is not required to physically set the ID for each RG..N. This can be done through an auto-addressing
function which occurs automatically on the first start up; whereby each RG..N on the bus chain will automatically be
assigned an ID with respect to its physical placement on the internal bus.
NRG internal cables
The RCRGN-xxx-2 is a 5-way proprietary cable used for the internal BUS, i.e., between the NRG
controller and the first RG..N on the BUS chain and between respective RG..Ns on the BUS. This
internal BUS cable though terminated with a micro-USB plug is not a standard USB cable. Apart
from the data and supply lines, the RCRGN-xxx-2 are equipped with an additional wire utilised
for the auto-addressing of the RG..Ns on the NRG bus chain. These cables are available in
various lengths from Carlo Gavazzi.
For further technical information on each NRG system component please refer to the respective product datasheets:
QR Codes