© 2002 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved
G 3800 X015 Configuration Software
October 2002
1. Introduction
The G38xx15 program has been designed for configuration of the G3800X015 master generator. All functions
in the generator are represented by graphic symbols. To each channel function are related parameters and
comments, which can be edited locally in the PC and transferred to the master generator through RS232.
Likewise, data from the master generator can be uploaded and edited.
1.1. Start-up
1.1.1. Hardware requirements
The program operates under Windows 95/98/2000/xp and NT and requires at least:
486 processor with 8 Mbytes Ram or higher
A free serial port (Com1 or Com2)
5 Mbytes hard disk for installation
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, 256 colours or higher
Mouse or other pointing tool desirable, but not necessary
1.1.2. Installation
Insert disk 1 in the A-drive and run the program “Setup.exe”. This will guide you through the installation pro-
cess. After installation, the program can be started by clicking G38xx15.
1.1.3. Start-up of program
When G38xx15 is started, two windows will open:
To the left, the main window showing the 128 channels available in Dupline and the menus. To the right, the
properties window, which for each function shows the parameters related to this particular function.