This jet aircraft is a high end product and can create an enormous risk for both pilot and
spectators. If not handled with care and use according to the instructions. Make sure that you
operate your SU-27/30 according to the laws and regulations governing model flying in the
country of use.
The engines, landing gear, servos, linkages and control surfaces have to be attached properly.
Please use only the recommended servos and accessories. Make sure that the Centre of
Gravity (CG) is located in the recommended place. Use the nose heavy end of the CG range
for your first flights. A tail heavy plane can be an enormous danger for you and all spectators.
Fix any weights and heavy items like batteries, very securely into the plane. Make sure that
the plane is secured properly when you start the engines. Have a helper hold your plane from
the nose before you start the engines. Make sure all spectators are far behind, or far in front
of the aircraft when running up the engines. Make sure that you range check your R/C system
thoroughly before the 1
flight. It is absolutely necessary to range check your complete R/C
installation first WITHOUT the engines running. Leave the transmitter antenna retracted or in
case of 2.4GHz depress the range check button and check the distance you can walk before
FAILSAVE occurs. Then start the engines, run at about half a throttle and repeat the range
check. Make sure that there is no range reduction before FAILSAVE occurs. If the range with
engine running is less then with the engine off, please don’t fly at that time. Check that the
wing and stab retaining bolts are tight and that all linkages are secured.
Please don’t ignore our warnings, or those provided by other manufactures. They refer to
things and processes which, if ignored could result in permanent damage or fatal injury.
Important/General Notes
Servo Choice
We strongly advise that you use the recommended servos and equipment listed in the
Servo Screws
Fix the all the servos into the milled plywood servo mounts using the 2.9x13mm or 16mm
sheet metal screws provided in the Kit, not the standard screws normally supplied with the
servos by the servo manufacturer. This because all the holes in our milled servo mounts are
2mm diameter, due to our CNC manufacturing process and this is too big for the normal
Building Sequence
The actual building sequence is your choice but it is usually most efficient to start as
suggested in this manual, which has been created by building several airplanes by several
experienced modellers.