Canopy installation
First roughly cut the canopy, so that it
could be put from the outside on the
canopy frame, which should be mounted
on the fuselage. Mark the exact cut lines
then. Allow 3-5 mm overlap for glue
Do this for the main canopy and the front
canopy glass.
Then glue the canopy permanently with
Canopy Glue, or silicon or any other
method you normally use to glue in clear
canopies. There are plenty of methods.
If you use CA glue, use only very little and
do not use any accelerator.
10 pairs of small magnets also do the job
well as a fixture during the gluing process.
It is absolutely necessary to do this while
the canopy frame is mounted on the
fuselage. You can access the inside, if
necessary, from below through the nose
gear door.