Horizontal stab / stab installation
Slide the taileron rods into the tailerons
and secure them with the M3 bolt. Then
Insert the assembly into the corresponding
sleeve in the fuselage.
Put the phenolic washer in place and screw
the center bolt in with Loctite!
This will hold the stab in place when it is
bolted on to the rod. Make sure the
phenolic washer is properly fixed and
secured, it will never have to be removed
Connect the push rod with the taileron by
clipping the large aluminium with steel pin
on to the phenolic control horn. The
taileron must be moved to full down
position in order to access the control horn
and the clevis. If you followed the
instructions precisely until here, you will
have no problem to deflect the tailerons
far enough (you remember that the servo
horns must point 15 deg forward from at
neutral position? Now you know why…).
The neutral position of the LEFT taileron is
approximately 90-95mm from the lower
fuselage edge. The right taileron must be
aligned with the left taileron by a sharp
eye, as the hand made plug does not
guarantee 100% symmetry for measuring