Connection to Tiller
The control lines are led
through fairleads placed on either side
of the tiller, and then forward to a pair
of jamming cleats. These fairleads
should be placed at a distance from
the rudder axis, close to
twice the
quadrant radius
(or, in the case of
, twice the length of the
control arm) :16 in. (40 cm) for
, and 21 in. (24 cm) for
Tying the control lines together
at the position rudder amidships and
pendulum vertical makes it easier to
tighten the lines and cleati them in a
single movement.
Connection to auxiliary
If control lines are led to an
auxiliary or emergency tiller, this tiller
can be kept shorter by leading the
lines through blocks fastened to the
tiller at a distance (from the rudder
axis) equal to the quadrant radius or
control arm length. The block on the
tiller divides the travel by two and
doubles the force, so you get the
ideal 2:1 ratio between pendulum tilt
and rudder angle.