Connection to Wheel or Tiller
The control lines are led out through holes drilled in the sides or back of the
cockpit bulkhead, then (trough other blocks if needed), to the wheel or tiller.
The turning blocks must be placed in such a manner that the control line is
guided exactly in the centre of the hole, and that it does not touch its side; otherwise, it
will chafe through very rapidly. In the case of a line chafing on one side, enlarge the
hole with a round file or a Dremel tool.
Connection to Wheel
The control lines turn the steering wheel by going around
grooved Delrin
placed on the wheel spokes, then to a cleat. These cylinders can be placed
closer or farther from the hub, so the ideal ratio of rudder angle for a given quadrant tilt
can be arrived at. This ideal ratio is 2 to one : for 10° of pendulum-quadrant tilt, 5° of
rudder angle.
f the quadrant is mounted
the axle, the lines must be
they reach the wheel; if it is mounted
, they can
be led
An autopilot drum already fitted to the wheel
poses no problem : the cylinders are placed inside this
drum and when it is to one side of the wheel, they can
be place on the other side.