Direct Connection to Yacht’s Steering System
The control lines can be connected directly to the yacht’s steering system. They
are led through turning blocks fastened to the quadrant (or to a short auxiliary tiller
such as the tiller of a hydraulic system),
pulling from a direction 90
° from the
attachment point of the blocks on the quadrant (or tiller) and the rudder axis After
passing through the blocks on the quadrant (or tiller), the control lines are led back to a
fairlead placed close to the last turning block. From there, they are led to jamming
cleats placed within reach of the wheel.
If the blocks are fastened to the rudder quadrant, it is better to fasten them to its
underside, to prevent fouling the steering cables with the control lines when they are
The vane is connected by putting the lines in tension and cleating them; it is
adjusted for weather or lee helm (if any is needed to maintain a given point of sail) by
varying the length of the lines. Releasing the lines from the jamming cleats instantly
disconnects the vane and allows to take over manually.
Whenever possible, it is better to place the
jamming cleats close together
This allows to tie the two control lines in a knot and pull them tight together : this way,
automatically connected amidships
when the quadrant-pendulum are
vertical and if any rudder angle is needed to maintain a point of sail, it easy do
visualize it by pulling one line shorter. If the jamming cleats can not be placed close
the control lines at the point where they should be cleated has the
same effect.