Grand Soleil 45’
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Shower, sink and washbasin drain system
Fore bathroom shower drain system
The bilge collecting the fore bathroom shower water is drained by an electrical pump
located in the washbasin cabinet, together with the protective filter.
The switch that enables the above-mentioned electrical bilge pump is located in 12 Vdc
electrical panel (see page 50) and it is called SHOWER PUMPS, while the starting lever
switch is located under the shower mixer (see page 73).
While having a shower, or when you finish, you always have to drain its bilge,
starting the relevant electrical pump.
The pump discharges at sea through a scupper mounted on the bathroom hull side.
To drain do as follows:
Turn on the SHOWER PUMPS switch in the 12 Vdc electrical panel, enabling the
electrical drain pump.
When you finish showering, turn on the switch located under the shower mixer.
Leave the switch on until the water in the bilge is completely drained; then, turn the
switch off.
Once finished the operation, remember to turn off the switch in the 12 Vdc electrical
panel too.
Aft bathroom shower drain system
The bilge collecting the aft bathroom shower water is drained by the same electrical pump of the
main bilge.
The switch that enables the above-mentioned bilge pump is located in the middle of the 12Vdc
electrical panel (see page 50) and it is called
, while the starting switch is
located under the mirror, towards the stern (see page 73).
The electrical pump draining the shower bilge or the main bilge is located in the aft bathroom
washbasin cabinet, together with the protective filter.
While having a shower or when you finish, you always have to drain its bilge, by
starting the relevant electrical pump.