Grand Soleil 45’
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Bow thruster
The bow thruster, if provided, is installed at the bow, in the anchor peak.
The thruster usually installed consists of a compact unit and is a retractable propeller type,
complete with all necessary equipment for its functioning.
Four buttons to control it are provided near the engine control panel.
Any foot control can be positioned on the cockpit bottom, near the above-mentioned buttons.
For the bow thruster power supply there are:
a magneto-thermal switch on the 12 Vdc electrical panel;
an additional heavy duty battery switch, also used in case you install electrical winches (see
page 57);
a fuse protecting the thrusters unit, installed in the same place where the above-mentioned
heavy duty battery switch is located.
To operate the bow thruster you need to:
Turn on the heavy duty battery switch mounted on the headboard side of the starboard aft
cabin or make sure it is already turned on.
Turn on the BOW THRUSTER switch in the 12 Vdc electrical panel (see page 50).
Activate the button controls located near the engine control panel. These buttons,
rhomboidally arranged, have the following functions:
upper GREEN button to make the thruster go UP or come back;
lower RED button to make the thruster go DOWN into the sea;
forward WHITE button to move the bow to the PORT side;
abaft WHITE button to move the bow to the STARBOARD side.
A lever switch can be used instead of the two above-mentioned white buttons. Pushing the
lever towards the bow the yacht bow will move to the port side; pushing the lever towards the
stern the yacht bow will move to the starboard side.