How Areas Affect User Codes
As described below, some of the user code types function differently
in a partitioned system.
Grand Master User Code. The grand master user
can assign and change user codes, and may be able
to arm and disarm the entire system. Only the grand
master user and your installer can view and change
the grand master user code.
Area Master User Code. Each area has its own
master user. The area master user can make any
user-controlled changes within a given area.
Area Basic User Code. Area basic users can dis-
arm and may be able to arm, bypass, or make other
changes within an area. Users can have rights to
more than one area.
Area Maid Code. Maid Days are assigned to each
area, so if you need to change the Maid Days, you
must make the changes for each area individually.
Kidwatch Code. Your system recognizes only one
Kidwatch Code, regardless of how many areas are
present. The Kidwatch Code is assigned to area 1.
Area Duress Code. One duress code can be as-
signed to each area.
Area Relay Code. One relay code can be assigned
to each area.
If your building is divided into areas, your system may also recog-
nize one or more of these optional user code types:
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